There are quite a few options for the color and size of the highlighter. Highlighter – you can highlight a portion of the image just like you would do with a marker.

#Snip tool windows without start menu how to
How to Annotate a Screen Capture with the Snipping Tool You need to click the notification to access the screen capture together with all other options for saving and sharing. The notification will show the last screen capture as a thumbnail. If you miss it you can always find it in the Notification Center (WIN + N in Windows 11, WIN + A in Windows 10). Once you finish the capture, a small notification will appear on the bottom right of your main monitor. Full-screen snip – all monitors are captured as soon as you opt for this option, no need to select anything.Window snip – move the mouse then left-click on the desired window you wish to capture.Freehand snip – select a free-form area of the screen to capture, and release the left mouse button when done.Rectangular snip – click and hold the left mouse button to select the desired area of the screen, then release.